
Our Impact

"When I was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, primary bone cancer in my ankle, I had no idea the impact it would have on my life, as well of the lives of those whom I hold dear to me, including family, friends, staff in the hospital, it impacts everybody, even a stranger on the street whom you smile at will still feel the impact it has. For me, cancer tried to rob me of the abilities of rational thought and the ability to properly explain the workings of my mind. However, a lifeline was provided in the form of a Journey Box, from this fantastic charity.

Upon opening the box, my immediate reaction was to open my journal, I was delighted to see the motivational quotes, this inspired me to write down what was going through my mind when I couldn’t possibly explain it verbally. If I couldn’t explain it even through the written word, I’d draw it. Anything to reach out and to let loved ones know I was thinking of them. Thanks to Sam’s Gift, the journey box has become a collection of memories of when I smiled most, when I fought back against this terrible disease and to know that I did not go through it alone. Memories of my loved ones inhabit this box and I can’t think of a single greater gift to put into that box than the hope that they’ve provided me.

I can’t thank Sam’s Gift enough for making all of this possible because without this journey box, the positives may not have all shined through like they do now. Although Sam may no longer be with us, his positivity and strength is transferred to each patient who receives this box, another completely priceless and essential gift. Thank you all, so much.”

How You Can Help?

Attend one of our events

We continually organise events to help raise funds for The Christie throughout the year

Sponsor a journey box

We have created Sam’s Gift – a ‘Journey Box’ where hopes, fears and wishes can be expressed.

Help us with fundraising

If you're eager to volunteer and make a meaningful difference, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

What we've accomplished so far...

Total raised over the last 7 years
Number of fundraising events
Number of young adults we've helped
Journey boxes we've delivered thanks to you